
MUQC is governed in accordance with its constitution, and officially operates as a University of Manchester society. It is managed by a committee elected from its members at General Meetings each year. The minutes of those meetings are also publicly available. The committee can be contacted by email or on Facebook.


President - Joshua Fogg
photo of president

I came to quidditch in February 2016 and instantly fell in love with the sport and the community. From there I've got involved with as much as possible, from merc tournaments to QPL. In my role as President I manage the club and represent us to both outside organisations and the wider public. I couldn't do what I do though without my fabulous committee.

Secretary - Daniel Camp-Blair
photo of secretary

After joining the club in September 2016 while on a semester abroad, I loved it so much that I came back the year after and ran for secretary. In my role I aid the one true president in making sure committee operates smoothly, talk without outside organisations, minute meetings, and help others fulfil tasks for their roles.

Treasurer - Emily Nevinson
photo of treasurer

I joined in September 2016 and found a great group of people. Since then I've got more involved with the wider community, playing for the QPL team Northern Watch in summer 2017. As treasurer of the club I manage our finances, report on the same to committee, apply for additional funding, and keep track of membership.

Inclusions - Larissa Taylor
photo of inclusions

At this point I'm one of the clubs oldest members, and have taken on a variety of roles over the years from secretary to socials. Quidditch is a great community and in my role as Inclusions I'm responsible for ensuring that everyone feels safe and able to take part in our activities. If you're having any issues I can be contacted anonymously here.

Games Coordinator - Charis Whyte
photo of gamescoord

I joined club in 2016 due to a love of Harry Potter and stayed for the delightful mud and people. While I'm not a fan of running, there is quite a bit of satisfaction gained when you score a goal. As games coordinator I communicate with other teams and arrange games and tournaments. This can consist of arranging locations, refs, travel and accommodation.

Social Secretary - Anna O'Gara
photo of socials

I've been at the club since Sept 2016 when I joined as a fresher. I instantly loved quidditch for it's wonderful members who were always welcoming and patient. It was unlike any sport I'd tried before both in how it's played and the gender inclusivity, which I took to immediately. As social secretary, I organise end of semester meals, social events, and get the team to meet outside of training.

Publicity - Imogen Asquith
photo of publicity

I LOVE quidditch. I live it and I breathe it. I just can't get enough of it, so much so that just a year after joining took on two committee roles. While in charge of publicity I massively revitalised our social media and lead the most successful recruitment drive the club has ever had. I then lead the Minotaurs in their first tournament and had a whale of a time doing so.

Quartermaster - Tua Karling
photo of quartermaster

I came to Quidditch in September 2016 and have quickly come to love the sport, especially the competitive side of it. As quartermaster I maintain the equipment and kit belonging to the club and go about acquiring more as needed. I'm also vice captain on the Manticores so help to run training sessions and development of the teams.


Each team in the club also has a Captain who acts as their representative on committee. They are responsible for organising training sessions and selecting squads for fixtures. For more information on those and the Vice Captains and Coaches who assist them see the teams page.