The Democracy Project


This is the home page of the Democracy Project, a Linux themeing suite with a difference. A lot of similar projects often get criticized for not being open enough, and not listening to their users. This project is the opposite - everything we do is open source and no design decisions are made without a user vote. A theme suite by the people, for the people.

At the minute it's just an icon theme, but because of the open nature of the project we'll accept anything into our repos. There are a couple of dummy repos in there for starters. Similarly, anyone can contribute anything to any of the existing repos. All it has to do is pass the vote!

To get involved with the project either as a contributor or voter simply check you're fine with constitution and then send an email with your Name and/or Alias and the subject line DP Register. As soon as you see your name on the voters list you're good to go, and will receive your first email and ID token at the start of the next session.

Note: the first session email will be sent out on July the 1st. You can vote here and see the results here.